Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 1: Everyone must fail, then try, try again.

Today was the official first day of my offical start to my official vegetarian lifestyle.

Meaning.. I went ALL DAY with no meat. But since I went grocery shopping this past weekend (which I will fill you in on later), I was prepared. I figured the only way I was going to succeed in this day was to have a plan so I already had my day mapped out:

I was going to have a chocolate crossaint and strawberries for breakfast.
A veggie burger for lunch.
And for dinner - this recipe from my "Beginner's guide" for Tomato Mozzarella Salad with Vinaigrette and Fettucine with Black Olive Pesto and Scallions. Sounds bangin, right? Yea.. I thought so too (minus the Black Olives, because they're are disgusting).

Well... not everything went as planned. Breakfast was more like dessert. And lunch turned into a "Mexican lasagna" at CMU dining with some Cauliflower on the side. The cauliflower was delicious, but the lasagna... not so much. It was kind of like some mushed up beans with a little cheese and tomato sauce sprinkled on top.

And then dinner.
I came home... busted out the thyme, scallions ,onions, garlic, pasta, and everything else the recipe called for. And then I actually read the recipe.

"In a food processor fitted with a steel blade finely mince the jalapenos, garlic, and onion. Add parlsey, thyme, olives and brine, vinegar and oil to the garlic mixture."

...I don't even know what a food processor is. Never seen one. Never heard of one. And definitely never had one.

I should've stopped there, but I didn't. I just chopped up the herbs and stuff by hand, and kept it moving. Needless to say, my "pesto" sauce wasn't sauce at all. In the end it turned out to be rather plain pasta, with little taste, and spicy-ness for no reason.

I was a little disappointed, but Parmesean cheese helped me cope.
I originally hoped to post a picture of my lovely first-home-cooked-vegetarian meal, but not only was it not delicious, but it wasn't cute either. So instead here's a picture of my breakfast to admire in all of its store-bought beauty:


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